- Product Description LXBP-5 Asphalt Pavement Eight Wheel Instrument It is suitable for road surface construction inspection and road surface flatness inspection such as highways, urban roads and airports. It has the functions of collecting, recording, analyzing, printing, etc., and can display real-time measurement data of the road surface. Главни технички параметри: 1. Референтна дужина испитивања метра равне: 3 метра 2. Грешка: ± 1% 3. Радно окружење ХУМИДИТ ...
- Product Description Pavement rebound deflection tester/Pavement Benkelman deflection beam Measuring range: (1) This method is suitable for measuring the rebound deflection of various roadbeds and pavements to assess their overall bearing capacity and can be used in the design of pavement structures. (2) The rebound deflection value of the roadbed and flexible pavement measured by this method can be used for the handover and completion acceptance. (3) Одвик одмора ...